Ate a slice of wonderbread and went back to bed.

>> Sunday, May 14, 2006

Say, wuh-wuh! I'm on vacay right now, and it is wunderbar. Check it:

Day Uno:

Mikey drove me to the airport after giving me grief about talking too much at work after a hard day (you know it's true dood)...

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And then I was off

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SO LONG SUCKAS!! Work hard, live long and prosper (ps. I'll be back in a week and half)

I won't tell you which airline I flew with, because I don't believe in advertising for airline companies as they all rape you blind, but here's a picture of the wing from my window seat:

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Since this was my first time on a W*stj*t flight in a long time, I didn't know they had SWEEEEET satellite tele! I could see where we were on a map, watch music videos, etc etc. The flight was okay besides the fupping baby crying non-stop behind my head for most of the way to Calgary, and the free-falling turbulence during our descent...actually, that was kind of cool. Boy, the chick beside me sure didn't think so...she was white-knuckling it the whole time. Rad. Upon landing in Calgary, the fupping baby left. My head was hurting, but I put on a brave face:

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I stayed in my seat as our stop was actually super-short. This old lady sat in the seat closest to the aisle and she started chatting to me about going to see her Granddaughter's grad or some shit, but get this: she then was like, "Do you want a candy?"

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I swear I was in a Werther's commercial. It was awesome, and I HAD to take one, because, c'mon. You have to. So my first post-diet splurge was on a lovely old lady's Werthers. Best.

Turns out she was actually in the wrong seat and had to move, but it was cool while it lasted.

I was super-pumped when we began our descent:

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Jeanie was there to pick me up and I was so happy to see her. She looks better everytime I see her..aww! Heart.

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We dropped my shizz off at my place and we decided we were freaking starved, and I was now off this diet, so I wanted we went to my favorite Chinese restaurant ever...!

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Damn. That shit sat in my stummy like a mace, stabbing me from the inside. After that, I was good.

Jean looked very nice:


After, we headed over to Jean & Diana's, have a nice table with lovely flowers on it!

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Naw, its cool. It's a neat-o place that just needs But it's an old school house in little Clayburn village

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Battery died.

Day Two:

Slept good. Friday was a super-long day with the time change for me and all, but Saturday I was raring to go. Jean-Bean and I were going to go to Burnaby Village and stuff, but instead we went to Ikea.

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We are so asian.

I only bought a few things, and I spent only $40! Noice! Oh how I can restrain myself.

After, we went to Metrotown while Jean told me some crazy stories about stuff and stuff, and we shopped...but we didn't actually buy anything. Instead, we sat on the couches in the middle of the halls like the old asian people were doing. Some lady sat on Jean. It was fun:

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Where we were sitting, it was below the fountain on the next floor, and the bottom was glass, so I was snapping some pictures of asian children like a true pedophile: (Disclaimer - I am not a pedophile)

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Couch was I tried to snooze

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Eventually we got our asses up and just left. It was hot in the mall, and sweaty shopping didn't interest us. We went out to *gasp* White Spot for supper, and it I love their desserts, but paying almost 12 bucks for a bit of rice and some veggies is too much (I'm thrifty). The view was nice though:

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Patio sitting is fun.

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Jean and I in the bathroom at White Spot:

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We were going to go to Stanley Park after, but the Lion's Gate is closed or partly closed for construction, so the traffic was super-backed up, and we didn't feel like waiting, so we just headed back.

Saturday was Jean's friend Jaosn's birthday, so all the people were down at their place and that is where I spent my night, by the fire. It was damn cold after a bit, so I stole Jean's jacket and headed home:

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OH! I met Jean's boyf too. He is nice, but sickly. I approve of Jason...(not that anyone gives a shit or should care).

Day Trois:

I went for a super bike ride this morning, and it was fantasmic. I did some trail-ish rides and some not trail-ish rides:

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My butt hurt after. Living at the top of a hill hurts.

Jean-o was busy today, so I went to Bellingham, Washington, all by my lonesome. It was good though. I went shopping and bought lots of stuffy stuff:

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Damn, it was so hot today. Driving in that car was like driving an oven around. Some lovely views driving back:

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I waited at customs for a while...

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I was trying to figure out how to not pay at the border, but I can't lie either, so I just flat out told the truth. I put on lip gloss and tried to look nice, in case it was a guy, which it was (I'm sure it didn't help me, but it doesn't matter) and I told him I bought soap, t-shirts, and underwear, and he let me go without a frickin' cent. I'm sure it was the underwear that got me off the hook. Nice.

Then I came home to blog. I also bought some nuts on the way what?! You want to make something of it!?! Huh?!? I suck. No willpower. Later yo's.