Aa! Tama ga kayui na!

>> Saturday, September 16, 2006

The title of this blog may be googled for a translation.

I haven't been up to too much lately except being busy with work/school double-whammy. I'm taking Japanese 101 at UCFV and it's neat-o gang. Today is a rare day off, so I thought I'd do a post'er to showcase the latest in fun-ity.

Before heading off to Nihongo-Land, my oldest-skool buddy Yin showed up from good old MB to chill with her man and his family before teaching English in Kyoto for a year. We managed to get our shizz together for a pow-pow in shopping and hanging in Vancouver.

Stopping for some loverly gelato on Robson.

Hanging out at tourist central, the Pan Pacific.

Some weirdo-y bum dood kept telling Jen he hoped she wouldn't "fall" off the edge and that she didn't look very friendly. Jen was like, "Um, okay...no, I'm not very friendly sometimes". Sketchy!  It was good times though, and we had some nice little chats. I will be swinging by her place when I am in Kyoto in January. Good luck man.

Jean and I are eaters extrordinaire. For the last two weeks, we've hit up some delicious brunches in our honour. Last Sunday we headed in Vancouver for some more deliciousness in the form of the brunch at Griffins, in the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.



The food was tasty and oh so fancy! The Dalai Lama was in Vancouver the last week or so and some of his monks were there...chatting on their cell phones. Somehow that seems ironic to me.

After our brunch, we wandered around downtown for a while and found a lovely place to sit and chat about life, living, and the future.


Got a little bored...awkward.

The true purpose of our foray that day was that we went to see Bard on the Beach at Vanier Park. Since we arrived early, we wandered around a bit more and enjoyed the scene.


Hm...it's SUNNY, and the grass is yellow-ish due to LACK OF RAIN. (Read: It isn't always cloudy and rainy here.)







We went to see "The Winter's Tale", and it was quite nice. I will say that it was a bit of a strange story, with some weird voodoo at the end, but all in all, well-acted and Jean thought the prince was hot.

I've been meaning to take some decent pictures of my new-ish workplace, but I haven't managed the chance. I did, however, manage a coveted shot of my desk:

I have since got a new ergonomic keyboard tray. Oh the jealousy, I'm sure!

Yesterday was a first-class affair in honour of my bestest buddy, Jean M.


Diana & Co. threw a lovely cocktail party to let Jean know just how much she would be missed. Accordingly, it was a dressy occasion in which I wore my favorite shoes and stockings.


Oh food galore! I ate so much delicious hummus! My breath smelled garlicky this AM, fo' sho'. So many hot folks:

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There were many lovely people and all who dressed for the occasion did so with a fierce hotness. Good job. Once all the guests had arrived, we took Bean outside for an impromptu photo shoot while they set up for a surprise slide-show.







All in all, a good night. I hope Jean knows how much she will be missed.

Today is a bit of a boorish one, filled with nothingness, cereal bars, and laundry. Tomorrow I am off to drop Jean M. at the Vancouver airport to fly off to Japan for four months, but first, breakfast at the IHOP. After the airport, I'm thinking of driving down to Vanier Park again and going on a bike adventure. Wanna come?