(Day 5) I Am Canadian

>> Thursday, May 28, 2009

I spent my whole day on May 27th learning about project management from a guy named Sunny who was quite amusing…what did you do? Since it was Wednesday, I’m going to guess you were working or something similar. But you weren’t in Ottawa! Unless you were – then I have nothing on you. Anyway, come 3:30, the workshop was done and with that, the conference over. Boo hoo hoo. I wont’ bore you with the details of research accounting or project management, but let me tell you I am eagerly anticipating next year’s conference! That is, of course, if the research office so graciously decides to send me next year. If so, it will be a Calgary adventure!

After meeting up with Janelle, we decided it was time – off to the Canada buildings in the pouring rain we went. We joined up with a tour group that was just about to enter and we made it through security (phew!) without issue.



Our tour guide was a nice girl from Gatineau and I just couldn’t get over that she was a tour guide in Canada City…don’t Quebecors hate Canada? Now, that’s a rash generalization, but I was brought up believing that they were just a bunch of separatists and I remember Jean Chretien giving a speech on TV to his “fellow Quebecors”. Well, since that last sentence doesn’t really have a point, I’ll just say I was pleasantly surprised that maybe some people in Quebec like Canada.

Our tour didn’t reach very far into the bowels of the buildings, but we did get to enter (albeit briefly) into the Parliamentary library, which is that cool round building I’ve taken lots of pictures of. The guide said absolutely no pictures as there were people actually attempting to quietly work so we’d only enter for a period of 30 seconds in which we were supposed to be silent. Well, I couldn’t resist a picture, naturally, so I shoved my camera into the sleeve of my jacket and tried to hold still.

Ah, not he best, but at least its clear.

As it was fairly late in the day already, the Senate had already finished sitting for the day by the time our tour finished. Janelle and I decided to head up to the tower I had been staring at since my arrival in Canada City.




Eee! Look at that line of people heading our way.

B was a little piffed-out.

Oh look, it’s my nightlight.

Gargoyles! Dark-sided!


Our next stop was some little chapel thingy with some stained-glass.


Our next stop was the best of all – the House of Commons! It was still in session so we (I) very excitedly checked all of our goods with security and made our way to the public gallery. Oh I was so thrilled! At first when we walked in, there were only about 20 people sitting randomly scattered in the room but then we were told that a voting session was going to begin in about 20 minutes, meaning the room would be full. So we waited(!) and I was explaining to Janelle all the Canadian celebs we were about to see. She was mildly enthused but indulged me. Significantly more than 20 minutes later, the room was indeed filled with M.P.’s. I was disheartened that Stephen Harper wasn’t there nor Michael Ignatieff…but at least Justin Trudeau was there…what a hottie (from a distance). Anyway, after about another half hour of watching M.P.’s hoot and holler like football fans while voting on various bills, Janelle had enough and so we moseyed on to find some grub.

Just some rugby on the grounds of the Parliament.



We ended up at this little corner diner-ish place called Kyoto Sushi – the name is a stretch; there was little to zero selection of sushi and it sure was run by Chinese people who were out of what I wanted to order. I settled on curry rice.



It was lacking. It was like they had made the curry, froze it, and then reheated as needed. Blah.

It was still dripping rain when we left but we decided to head out for a nice evening walking adventure anyway.

Beside the Rideau Canal.



Look! I’m floating over the water for this picture! Amazing.


Wasn’t that fun? Okay, you probably scrolled through those photos in 5 seconds, but the actual adventure took much longer. And…it’s that time again! For dessert, I mean (of course – what else would I have meant?) We found a place in Byward market called Oh-So-Good Desserts and so we treated ourselves (as we are known to do.)

This is an apple pie cheesecake (I think) and it was…wait for it….Oh-So-Good. Boo!

And that brings to a close our adventures in Ottawa. Really, we are here until tomorrow morning yet, but it’s basically just sleep, get up, buy bus tickets we won’t use, take a taxi, and then it’s sayonara Ontario, hello Quebec. Bon nuit!