Nightmare Before...

>> Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So it’s finally Christmas! Ha ha…ha? After spending last year’s Christmas in BC with my family, we once again made the trek out to Manitoba on snowy Christmas Eve (snow in MB…not here.) I hadn’t been back to Manitoba in nearly two years, since my Granny died in early 2008. When it came down to it, I was actually quite excited to be jetting down into Winnipeg’s decrepit airport.

After work on Christmas Eve, my Aunt drove us into Vancouver airport for the evening flight out. To our surprise, the airport was mostly deserted – I suppose the Christmas rush had already passed. We took our time eating dinner before making our way to the gate.



Ramen! It tasted awful. This place is no Ichiran.


The flight was dark and cold – as to be expected. I listened to some K8 while Marty snoozed…typical. We pulled in on time and were pleased to find Tracy and Morgan waiting for us…in thick winter apparel. I prepared for the worst.


Tracy is really giving her side of the story here, it would appear.

Tracy and Morgan were kind enough to let us sleep in Tori and Cole’s beds at their apartment to avoid the long commute to Altona in the threatening snowstorm raging outside. The temperature wasn’t actually too deathly – I was surprised, but it’s amazing what a steely will can do.

After a glorious sleep, my parents came into the city to pick us up from Tracy and Morgan’s and then it was back to the airport to pick up B. Too much decrepit airport in 24 hours. But it was very nice to see the parents and chow on lunch waiting for B’s plane to arrive.



Oh yeah, ps – MERRY CHRISTMAS! I’ve totally forgotten already as this day has been anything but opening presents and holiday cheer. I just ate lunch in the airport, for Pete’s sake.

B arrived and we all jammled into the truck for the trek home. The next few days were filled with food, family, and frigid weather. I didn’t have much time to breathe, much less take any relevant photos about the whole schmozz. (It was over three months ago anyway – like you care! Ahem…) So yeah. On the 28th, I finally got around to whipping out the camera to show you a bit of my snowy holiday.



Nothing like pyjamas and mukluks in -30 degrees.


More lazy days went by at the speed of light…Sis arrived on December 31, just in time for Christmas(?). Well, our Christmas, anyway. B and I and picked her up at the airport and then headed to Mongo’s to devour a few bowls of Mongolian BBQ – YUMMMO. That night was, for all intents and purposes, Christmas Eve. It was a very Holt Renfrew Christmas for me.

That’s it – a bunch of gift cards and pair of socks – but it’s what I asked for!


After the gifts came the many rounds of eating. It was like, eat, break for half an hour or so, then eat again, repeat. B escaped to some lame dood’s party in Winnipeg, so Sis and I were left up to our own devices.


After digging through some boxes, I found the most entertaining piece of our evening – my old journals/diaries. Oh my gosh…this was some priceless stuff.


Sis and I nearly died laughing. Pretty much if I had anything at all to do with you throughout my formative years (grades 4 to 10), there’s an entry (or ten) in these books about you. Oh, and it is priceless stuff. I was so serious…and teenage. Perhaps I’ll do a short series of excerpts in the future so we can all have a laugh. I’ll try to not be too embarrassed.

And then it was midnight. Happy New Year.

A few days later, some friends had an impromptu get-together with foods. It’s been only what, two years? Too long mates…too long.


There can be only one.



Oi! I get the stink eye. It must have been something I said. I say a lot of things.

This meeting also revealed some absolutely fantastical old photos – kudos to Suzy for keeping us forever young (cue Rob Stewart song). As you will see, I wasn’t always such a fashion-focused individual:



Oh 20” hem circumference Randy River jeans…I don’t miss you.

This is a classic Erin-circa-1998-2000 look.

OI OI OI OI! This is dreadful. I remember this night though – grade 12 Christmas banquet. Marty and I had already broken up yet he decided to go with me anyway. As you can see, there was no place else he’d rather be.

A Panic Button classic, plus Lora D, minus Lori F. After a gig and sleepover in Landmark. Damn, my memory is clear!

Token action shot. What I’m holding is a Wagon Wheel. Lunch hour tradition dictated that we hurl that thing against the wall until it was crumbs, and then Jen would finally get to eat it. HA HA HA HA HA it makes me laugh even now. I guess you’d have had to have been there.

And finally, the present-day version of a few of us…sometime soon we’ll all have to congregate!


The drive home was a bit of a cold one:

Sister-time doesn’t happen very often…but when it does, things can get a bit ridiculous, as evidenced by New Year’s Day, 2010.




They just might kill me for that one. In fact, this picture may have been deleted by the time you even read this. Let me know Sisses!

Oh no! B is getting mauled by Stitch and a caveman! Poor thing.

A busy trip was made yet busier by the wedding of Tracy and Morgan in Winnipeg during our last weekend out. I didn’t take any pictures of the wedding (I’ll leave that to the pros), but I did manage to snap a few shots of our ghetto-fab Travelodge room. No windows to the outside here…only a great view of the pool area. I didn’t even know rooms like that still existed! But they do, dear readers, they do!



The ride back to town from Winnipeg is so beauteous in the winter cold.


We now go to the last full day in the sub-arctic of MB which was also our last family gathering. I really love my extended family (which is great, btw), so it was a really nice way to wrap up the Christmas festivities. Before they arrived, I braved the outdoors once more to run up and down the driveway a few times. Sis cheered me on from inside the house.










…and welcomed me back inside with open arms. I was so freaking cold. My Gramps thought I was nuts.

After consuming copious amounts of delicious foods, we kicked back and chatted, joked, and even horsed around a bit (well, the younger ones, anyway.)





Can you tell we are sisters? SISTERS!


Al and Martha, in Christmas-y matchy-match shirts.

He’s too proud of his heater remote control and needed to show it to me.

Oi! No makeup. Me sitting on and squishing Snacks.

Aw! Cousinly-love abounds.


After gatherings, one must always consume excess snacks. This is how we all end up fat after the holidays.




The next day we zipped on back to our homeland. There was no one available to pick us up, so did the best we could with public transit. I’m not gonna lie – it was a bit of an inconvenience lugging our massive sacks of dirty clothes and Christmas goods onto the rush hour train home. But…the scenery was nice and the temperatures milder.



Hello to the new-ish year and all it brings. I have a feeling this will be a good one. --> \(^_^)/


Jen April 11, 2010 at 6:03 PM  

Nothing beats the homemade MxPx t-shirt. Unless maybe the JTT shoes! PB forever.
Does Suzy have these pictures hanging up in her HOME? I am now inspired to grab my photo albums when I go this summer. There will definitely be some scanning and posting on Facebook.