For My Special Lady

>> Saturday, February 16, 2008

What was supposed to be a weekend of juvenile and hair-brained (thank you, thesaurus) business with my older sister, Sis, in Calgary, turned out to be a weekend of death and mourning business with my entire family in Manitoba. On February 5, my Granny of 84 years passed and I was thus summoned home to join in the rite of passage. Don’t let that fool you though…there were definitely a bag of laughs involved – just the way Granny would have wanted it.

It began on Thursday when Jean drove me to the airport along with my precious – a new camera! She lazed in my bed while I packed and off we went.

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No getting away from work.

So we went up, up, and away.

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Can you tell I got a new camera? I snapped every .3 seconds or so. I’m in love.

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Once landed in Calgary, I met up with my sister, met her nice boyfriend Francis. We had dinner at the airport Kelsey’s. Ick. After that, she hopped on the plane with me and we headed further into the bowels of Canada, arriving in Winnipeg close to midnight.

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B was happy to see me.

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Aw, they both have the Suri Cruise haircut!

Due to Sis claiming MY bedroom, I was relegated to the rec room. You can see my luxury digs here:

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Yes, that is a ‘Tom and Huck’ poster (RIP Brad). Yes, my coatrack is the arm of a treadmill. No, those curtains haven’t been replaced since 1977. Neither has the rug.

Friday was the viewing/family night at the funeral home which was rather hard to take. We sang(!?) and chatted about the funny moments of Granny. I took a picture of her in her casket, but I won’t post it here because frankly, I think I deleted it and I can’t really bear to look at it myself. Plus, chances are you don’t know her anyways.

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The evening continued on with food and festivities because jamming down junk food “would have been what Grandma wanted”...seriously. Any excuse. We are shameless.

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I love food pictures.

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The next day was the funeral with my role as a pallbearer. It was a lovely tribute save for the guy who sprung a last-minute slideshow on the crowd and then proceeded to fiddle with it for five minutes before giving up and deciding it wouldn’t work. Thanks for the interruption in continuity buddy.

It was insanely cold with temps hovering around -40C…which I don’t see often. I tried to venture outside to see if anything decent could be captured with my new photographic friend.

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(Look familiar?)

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We also received gobs of food at our house….mmmmmm.

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After a fairly uneventful Sunday, our fam got together once again for some action at the local Chinese restaurant.

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As you can see, the décor is also rather classy here…almost as much as our indigenous-themed place last week.

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Stay strong Grampy.

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”You see, we are good with chopsticks because we live in BC together.” Um……….

Monday arrived and it was time for my to bring my sorry carcass back to BC so I can work a bit and then head on more holidays. Life is rough.

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Well, thar she blows. In several hours, I will be heading off to London and hopefully have interesting things to write about on here. Tuesday I am in Paris; I am going to do some segway riding. I’ll be back in Canada after a while, so I’ll see you then…?

RIP Granny Ho-Heart.


Jen February 19, 2008 at 5:55 PM  

Condolences, my friend.
Oh, and those basement pictures. What a wave of memories!!
