(Day 7) Red Velvet Rebellion

>> Friday, May 14, 2010

Up and checked out of the little Juniper, we headed into Banff town with our little sacks of remnant food and enjoyed a picnic by the river.




Not human! (chills)



After a quick coffee pickup, Sistre and I were on our way out of Ban-fa-fa and back to the big city.



Oh, just another wild animal in the road. This is Canada, after all.

Sistre and I came back to the real world in the most immersed way possible – by spending our afternoon at a massive shopping mall, Cross Iron Mills. It’s a behemoth stuck out in the middle of a field somewhere. As if Calgary needed to be even more spread out.


For dinner, Sistre and I headed to her favourite sushi joint, Sushi Kawa. As soon as I sat down, the couple at the table next to me passed me over a roll they had hardly touched. Wary, I examined it and deemed it fully edible and thus did so. I’m still alive right now, so I’m pretty sure they were just full. Or maybe it fell on the floor or something. It sure did confuse the waitresses – I hadn’t even received a menu and already had food. Ha ha.







Despite all the pictures of beautiful sushi, none of it was actually mine except for the donated roll shown first. I, again, couldn’t resist the call of curry and ended up with chicken curry udon.


After dinner, we had a sudden, joint, sisterly craving for cupcakes. We drove to nearly every cupcake spot in town in search of red velvet cupcakes. Every damn place closed at six, so we were S.O.L. While I realize this is something of an odd, spur-of-the-moment craving, it was nonetheless very powerful and all-consuming. Empty-handed, we returned to her apartment to set our strategy. Equipped with the internet, I hunted down a café on the east end of the city that apparently had the best red velvet cake people have ever had. While not in cupcake form, we were desperate and booked it on over. It was called ‘Nectar’.



Grossest. Red. Velvet. Cake. Ever. It was so dry and flaky and I had to drink water to get it down. Are you horrified yet? You should be. I was. For over $8, I would rather have had a bowl of ice cream (and I’m lactose intolerant) – yes, I think it was that much worse because the place was so pretentious. Ugh! What a disaster.

Well, all bad cake aside, today was another memorable adventure for me with Sistre. Tomorrow we do some odds and ends and other stuff, and the day after, I’m off to home. Since I didn’t take many pictures, tomorrow’s blog will be short. (Hurrah?) Then back to reality…


Unknown June 22, 2010 at 9:44 PM  

you forgot the couple on their second or third date at sushi kawa! lol!