(Day 6) Caped Crusaders

>> Friday, September 10, 2010

How can we follow-up two jam-packed and thrilling days at Disney? Well, like any sane person would - sit our asses down and do nothing. But nothing isn’t possible in Tokyo when you are on vacation. So we headed to Shibuya to take it easy and just let our money do the talking. We took the short journey from our ‘hood to the hotspot three stops down.



What’s this? Oh, no big deal. We’ve arrived in Shibuya.

Our first order of business was to tackle the monstrosity that is Shibuya 109 – a tube-like department store that is likely to give the most healthy person a pounding headache. Being the ever-industrious team we are, we decided to head to the top first and work our way down.

Their poster. Funny, this is also what it felt like in my head the whole time too.

Me and Janelle made friends with this hipster guy with long black hair, sunglasses and a trucker cap in a wheelchair. It was baffling. He waved to us though, giving us a big smile each time we came near him. Eventually it started to creep me out, so we started avoiding him. Haaa! I mean, why was he there? 109 is an all-girls shopping tube.

For lunch, we headed over to the L’Occitane Cafe at the Shibuya crossing because of Ryuusei no Kizuna. Well, that and we were hungry and it was close. What a view!












That’s a lot of pictures of my lunch, isn’t it? But it was expensive, so I had to get my “money’s worth”. You know how it is.

After our relaxing lunch, we headed back down to street level to continue our shopping. So far all I’d bought was an over-sized pearl necklace. Surely I am holding back.




Janelle, horribly bored waiting for Sis to pick out the best rug for her bathroom. It took a while.

Oh yes, I remember – today was hot. Do you know I remember? From this picture:


You see, we had crepes because there was a crepe stand and we love them. But I guess I can’t read Japanese and so I ordered a HOT crepe. The most unpleasant crepe ever. I was just pouring sweat over my piping-hot crepe. Lovely.

After I purchased some exorbitantly-priced harem/diaper pants from Comme des Garçons, we headed over to the GAP, where I sat and people-watched (and had them watch me, curiously enough) for a long-ass time. Then it was off to Opening Ceremony. Don’t worry – all this detail is building to something involving a cape.



See? I told you a cape was involved.

Long story-short, Sis bought this ridiculously sweet Alexander Wang cape. I kind of super really want one now.

After some more wandering and some more cash spent (thanks, Ragtag), we settled in for a cheap dinner of spaghetti soup at Miami Garden.



Strange, but delicious.

Oh yeah! And somewhere along the way today, we managed to snap our first purikura. Um, yes, awesome.

Puri-9-10-1Puri-9-10-2 Puri-9-10-3Puri-9-10-4

Ahhh…I can feel the Disney tension receding. Tomorrow we’ll meet up with friends at Tokyo Dome…and then attend the fashion event of the year with Vogue! (Well, it’s only the fashion event of the year to us common folk who don’t get invited to fashion week…boo.)