(Day 7) Fashion Night Out

>> Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today it became increasingly apparent that Japan is working hard for me to meet my early demise through heat exhaustion. Save me! I’m melting….melting…oh cruel world… Anyway, today we were to join some friends at Tokyo’s entertainment epicentre, Tokyo Dome and its amusement park, LaQua. We decided to meet at the station and then grab some lunch at the park..which is outdoors. Gah! It’s definitely a white clothes and parasol day. And white would be fine, if I didn’t sweat right through it within the first five minutes! Cruel world indeed.



Forrest Gump wuz here.


After wandering about for what felt like an eternity, we finally settled on NEWS Deli, which accordingly had news stations on TVs around the place. Ugh. I won’t even say exactly how sweaty I was because you don’t need to know. And I should try to forget out of fear of post-traumatic stress. To overcome such dire heat, I ordered some delicious honey toast to eat away my worries.

Charred corners! Worst. I bet it was the sun shining through the window. Wait – this is Tokyo and the sun doesn’t shine through the pollution smog. So it must have been the oven. Boo.

What beautiful people.


It was so cool in here I never wanted to leave. But we had to…I don’t want to eat burnt toast all day and, let’s be honest, that would be really boring.



So the story was, as it is most days, we did some shopping at the mall, Sis bought stuff, and then we chilled sitting during the dog hours of the afternoon. B, Maya, and Yukimi wanted to ride the kracie roller coaster and since Sis and I are old and prone to migraines, we waited it out at Starbucks. I had some delicious orange Tazo smoothie thing which apparently is only in Japan. Yummm.


I swear this is the coaster they were on. But it jetted by at 5,000 MPH so I can’t be sure really.

We bummed around and then bummed around more before heading back to the station to hop on the train downtown. Also, it seems to get dark ridiculously quickly here.





We ended up in Lumine Shinjuku at Wired Café for dinner. I had some runny-egg salad.


I think that little plop of green stuff in the foreground is wasabi. Ew…I really need to learn the kanji for that.

After dinner Yukimi needed to head back on the 10-hour train ride home. It’s ridiculously far, but maybe not quite 10 hours…whatever. She should stayed with us because our next activity of the night consisted of a bareback man with a strange horse mask and giant wings. And crowds and crowds of outrageously expensive wardrobe types. Welcome to Vogue’s Fashion Night Out, Tokyo style.

Like, what is going on here?




This kids had some sick MJ skills. Rad.


Basically our night consisted of wandering up and down Omotesando grabbing free drinks wherever we could get them (which explains our invasion of the Camper, Theory, and Kate Spade) and getting lost in the events at Omotesando Hills. I was in fashion heaven. And I was wearing a Joe Fresh Style skirt and a vest from Uniqlo. Wahhhhh! I picked a bad day to look so…unfashionable. You see, my skirt was black and faded …


Our last spot was where we scored this gem – our own bottles of chardonnay. Where else but my favouritest brand, Comme des Garçons. They took good care of us. They also went all out in the decoration of their shops. I love it!


We also managed to score some sweet CdG pins for the event because, let’s face, it we deserved it after all the money we were dropping at CdG’s around the city. What a way to end the night – good friends, sweet booze, and fashion, fashion, fashion galore. I never want this night end.


Unknown November 8, 2010 at 8:17 PM  

me neither! what a sweet event. i'm so glad i went. too bad i eventually lost my pin from comme de garcon.... wahhh!
i have yet to wear my comme de garcon t-shirt...hmmmm....

Erin November 8, 2010 at 9:40 PM  

You haven't worn your CdG shirt yet? Goodness gracious! I try to wear my sweater at least once every two weeks because its far to expensive to sit there.