Miss Jaguar (Part 7)

>> Saturday, February 11, 2012

Alright Saturday! With Brett having the day off, I’m ready to be tour-guided around…because I know that if it were up to me, I’d probably sit at the apartment until early afternoon, head out for an hour or two before giving up and heading back to the aircon. Tee hee! Brett also managed to convince me for a swim before heading out for the day. Ahhh, this is the life. Once we got on the road, we headed to the tailors as Brett likes to get custom-made suits. I have no idea what that life must be like, but I did find it entertaining to watch.


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On our way out of the complex, there was this giant water feature thing. Singapore loves their water features, and rightfully so, though I don’t think people can frolic around underneath it, which is really too bad…


So kids, when you hit the big leagues and get that high-falutin’ job that you are dreaming of, you get a fancy office in the sky. Again, not sure what that life must be like, but I also find it entertaining to get a glance. Someday, maybe.


Yeah…this is view you might get:


Now this just seems ridiculous. Why don’t they just make it one bazillion dollars?

If you are really lucky, your office view might even look even better (or maybe you can sneak into the big bosses office for a photo…either or):



Just make sure the big boss isn’t right on his way up the elevator, planning on coming to work in the office on Saturday, arriving through the office door the very second you turn to leave. …ha…

Back on ground level, we headed towards the Muslim Quarter because that’s where the tour guide led. Whoo!


Being somewhat of a fashion nut for oddities found in Asian lands, Brett knew that I would like Haji Lane, with it’s select shops and do-dads on display. But since I had a guy in tow, I decided to pass on my intense scrutiny of the shops until another day when said guy was working. I’m such a kind-hearted soul. *wink*



For lunch, we went to a cute café on Arab Street called Fika.


Brett, talking about something, clearly not noticing the giant camera in front of his face.

I ordered it because there are beets and potatoes in it. Win! Enough said.


After lunch was time for coffee (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…thanks Dad.)


After coffee we jumped in a taxi for the Mustafa Centre. I still don’t know what to expect, but apparently it is something else.





Soo….the Mustafa Centre is this massive store that sells everything. And it kind of smells like B.O. And had the dirtiest washroom I’ve ever been into. It started off normal enough…


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Need a stack of flipflops?

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Now, I know I need this:
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”Smells of…desperation and toilette”

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Oh dear.

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Their slogan should be ”Everything thing you need…and don’t need, with that bargain basement feeling.”

With the Mustafa Centre experience behind us, we walked in the rain over to Bugis Junction for some much-deserved gelato. Dinner was cuisine a la Brett, and it did not disappoint.


Voll würzig im geschmack!

Tomorrow, the beach. Who will win the ultimate battle royale? Will it be me? Will it be the sun? We square off, but I’m going to guess you can already tell who wins…