blat blat gat fangaz

>> Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I put up some new curtains in my office. I am officially 73 years old.

How come no one is on myspace anymore? Is it because it is summer and everyone has better things to do than snoop on other people and find out what their favorite tunes of the moment are? Just wait until winter bitches! I will have forgotten all about you and your profile, because nothing changed!!! (Unless of course, you all of a sudden go and change your profile pic. Then you've got me curious and I'm so there.)

So it was Fasha's day this weekend, so we trudged out to Altona. The usual happened on the way - a little arguing with the hubz, and some friggin hot sun beating on me:



I'm proud of these Windows XP-style photos of the MB plains.

I love my sister. Hence, I tried to take some nice photos of her and she was being a "schpoocht":





After beating the ever-loving shit out of her (i kid), she put me to shame with her good looks.


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See? Exactly. I got the more un-blessed genes...fartiness.

So a big part of why I went home was it was my Dad's 50th birthday (natch, right?) ANNNNND four-wheeling!

I don't know why I am so strangely positioned on there...


So fun! Man, am I going to that part my life...

So out I was, crusing the countryside, just me and my polaris, and then it started to rain. Me, being the hardcore kind of person I am, just decided that I would keep going, until it was a virtual downpour. I did decide to head back when I got pretty soppy, but I can assure you I hauled ass good and proper.

Sniff sniff. That was the end.

It was pretty though, especially after it was over...



Today was a nice day out. My friend Jenna (the just married one) came to visit me now that she was back from her honeymoon.

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We hung out at the Forks and some nice young chaps wanted to videotape us yapping about how we love Manitoba. They got Jenna anyways. Hee!

There was this older dood rollerblading in the centre court area thing and he was doing all these impressive little loops and jumps:

I tried to get a shot of his face, but the bastard kept loopity-looing out of my range. Bastid.

Yep, that's right. Spirited Manitoba. "I'm not friendly, I'm spirited, you bitch."

We went to the Current at the Inn at the Forks for dinner, and it was decent. Our waiter was a grade "A" bum, though. I pulled a D'oh. I had a buy-one-get-one-free, and I forgot it at home, so I had to wait until Marty got off work, drive home, pick it up and bring it to me. What a guy. It saved me $12. Think how much I could save by switching to Geico.


After that, we were going to go to Sugar Mountain (chocoalmonds and chocoraisins), but the rain had other ideas, thus drenching us in a downpour:


So we waited a bit until the rain died down, and went to Sugar Mountain, and they just closed. Frig. So I was forced to get it from Safeway instead later. And, Jenna, I still owe you $15. I won't forget.

Sounds like its going to be Nacho Libre on Friday with Bee. Finally some plans! June is almost over...yipe! I gotta get my azz in gear. Hope ya'll are out keeping safe...enjoy.