...shimasu (Day 10)

>> Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Apparently some whore lives next door to Jen and Chris. She's not too noisy, but you can always hear her chatting with men late into the night. They had some stories about over Christmas that I'm not going to get into here.

This morning we slept it good and late again and decided that for lunch we were going to go to a place flowing with bread and butter – Baqet.

Your typical train leaving the station…just to show you what it's like.

It was a bit of a haul there (Kyoto doesn't have nearly the coverage of train service that Tokyo does – this means lots of walking) so it was early afternoon by the time we arrived at the mall where it was. This place was brimming with hot, young Japanese mothers and their tots. This place had the BEST bread buffet of my life. They had a baker that just made bread and the ovens were just on the other side of the counter, which equals = dough
à oven à bread à mouth.

The bread buffet was included in every lunch, so we definitely ate our fill. There was onion, garlic, raisin, matcha, black sesame, and many more…grahh….so full.

Not having a whole lot of other things planned, we decided to just hang around and shop.

This is not a little girl – she was a small person and she ripped that machine to shreds.

After heading back to the train station after our unfruitful shopping excursion, we decided to head out to Lake Biwako for something to do since it was getting pretty late in the day. We were originally going to go to NIjo Castle, but everything closes so dang early. We got off at Zeze and stared at the lake before doing more shopping at Parco.





I was TRYING to do some sumo moves, but it comes across more as a dog trying to pee. Boo.

After gawking at the tiny clothes at Parco and more aimless wandering, we decided head back to Yamashina a delicious meal of okonomiyaki.

Okonomiyaki is like an omelet filled with cabbage. I had a "ba-kon chi-su" (bacon cheese) version.

When we left the restaurant, it was really great because everyone that worked there starting chiming "arigatou gozimashita!" It was ringing gloriously from the rooftops. I love these people.

Tomorrow I head back to Tokyo, so we just relaxed tonight. Jen and Chris watched "Family Guy" and then we shimasu'ed to sleep.

Tomorrow: Big day of fun! Ghibli museum and Kichijoji during the afternoon and then a night of gluttonous debauchery and karaoke! Funnest night of my trip. Ryu…where are you?