
>> Saturday, December 19, 2009

Another birthday came by my way. Urk! I suppose I should be embracing the onset of middle age, but in my mind I still look the same way I did when I was ten…funny how creepy that sounds. Also, my birthdays never tend to be big blow-out occasions, so I can pretty much get by with ignoring it all together. When did I get so jaded? It must have been on one of those many birthdays that seem to pass me by. Anyway, it was here whether I liked it or not, so Janelle and I made a day of going into Vancouver shopping – we usually do this regardless of a birthday, so I kept forgetting. But I did manage to get a new haircut on the occasion.


Birthday lunch was held at Benkei, my go-to ramen shop in the city. There’s nothing like ramen to power one’s afternoon of shopping.


Apparently I didn’t take any pictures of the afternoon. Well, really…you don’t need to see Janelle and I wandering through a mall and Holt Renfrew for hours on end. That brings us to dinner. Unoriginality prevailed again as we hit up a restaurant we’ve been previously, Ciao Bella on Denman. I took another picture of my new hair.

I’m digging it.

The place seems to be run by real Italians. Italians, that are, of course, a million times nicer than the ones in Italy, which made the experience pleasant. Janelle doesn’t seem to be impressed with her food at all today – what’s with the pained expression?


After that, we headed home for some family togetherness time. People probably wonder why I didn’t spend my birthday with my husband, so I figured he should be featured in here somewhere. We went to our main haunt, ABC family restaurant and did the usual dessert. And for that, Janelle always smiles.


I do believe that my birthday concluded with a trip to see Avatar (for the first time). For some odd reason, Avatar-fever hadn’t caught yet and the theatre wasn’t even full. But I was so thrilled to see a 3-D movie that I didn’t even notice another soul in the room. As you can guess by now, the movie was awesome.

At least these 3-D glasses are more stylish than their forebearers.

So there was my birthday for another year…the blog is nothing monumental, but it will help me in future years to remember what I did on my 27th birth day on earth. Earthlings, rejoice! I was born.

Let me conclude with a random picture of some Japanese curry I made. It wasn’t even for my birthday, but since I love curry, it should be mentioned in a blog that is all about me. YAY!



Jen April 2, 2010 at 10:39 AM  

So they're making wayfarer 3D glasses now too, huh? When will the hipster-ness end? Oh who am I kidding, I totally hope I get some when I go see Clash of the Titans. Nice curry picture. I <3 randomness.
Do your cousins M&C live here now too??