Hollywood Studios

>> Thursday, February 18, 2010

I feel like I’m running the Disney marathon – me and thousands of others, everyday, from one park to the next. I’m entering the home stretch though…after today, I say goodbye to this Mickey-filled mayhem. But not without first drowning in the sea of bodies that flank all streets inside the park of Hollywood Studios. Welcome all, to Sunset Blvd.


The weather looks hot, but it is, as it has been all week, lying to you (or me, which was worse because I was actually there). The lineups to get Fastpasses was ridiculous. Couple that with ladies who don’t understand that they can’t get a Fastpass if they just got one, and it’s a recipe for frustration. I’m trying to keep my cool though. And failing.


We luckily got into the Indiana Jones show before the temps got too hot, though things certainly began to heat up when I nearly got into a verbal altercation with a group of teenagers. I am too old for this shit.


But seriously…why is it that some kids can’t even display common courtesy? These kids put their feet up on the bench in front of them so people wouldn’t sit there (though it was a full house) and they wouldn’t move over when asked to do so by the usher. These types of disrespect irritate me (apparently to the point of action) and so they swore at me. I shot back at them and then they said something else stupid. Ack! This is America, and you don’t know if these kids are packing, so I left it at that. I don’t want to die over something so dumb.



After riding the Tower of Terror, I hurried over to the Extreme Stunt Show (seriously, hauled it from one side of the park to the other, full-tilt running), where my parents were saving me a seat, but it closed half an hour early as it was full. I was kind of…livid, so I shot off at the mouth a bit again, accusing them of being…(gasp)…unfriendly!! Ha ha ha…considering how friendly Disney prides themselves in being friendly, it was the worst thing I could think of. The guy I said it to seemed flabbergasted that I would dare say such a thing. Oh in hindsight it’s funny.

Instead of moping around for the next hour, waiting for my parents to come out, I decided to wait in the monstrously long line for Toy Story Mania. The wait said 160 minutes, but it wasn’t even reaching outside…



This lineup was one of the most hideous I’d experienced yet. It was so noisy inside the massive queuing room, and children kept on bumping into me, despite my nasty sideway glares and their parents, telling them to keep away from me. Also, Mr. Potato Head would NOT shut up. I realize he’s meant to entertain, but his incessant babbling, after you’ve been standing in a hot room for over an hour is enough to make anyone contemplate attack. Thankfully, once I was mostly to the front, I got bumped into a handi-car and I was off. The ride is arcade-style – you have a gun and shot it at the 3-D arcade screens as you go. What fun!

This was my gun.

Compared to the others in the cars near me, my score was through the roof. But I had terrible accuracy…and lots of fun.

This is the focal point of the park – Mickey’s hat from Fantasia.

There were many things in between – disgusting curry from the Commissary restaurant, the absent-minded cashier who earned Mother’s ire, a funny Muppet Show – but before we knew it, it was night again.


I rode the Tower again – I think I almost have a new favourite! I sat beside some guy who was so scared but I assured him it is a kind of ticklish feeling (the falling), not scary! It was ticklish for me, at least. I couldn’t stop laughing as we fell faster than gravity would normally cause us to.



As it finished, the guy shakily turned to me and said, “I thought you said it wasn’t scary.” He looked a bit white. What a suck, and I’m by no means tough when it comes to rides.

Papa-chu and I had Fastpasses for the Rock’N’Roller Coaster (aka the Aerosmith ride) and we dutifully stood in line, enduring some awful singing from one of the cheerleanding squads who have been infiltrating every park, everyday. Gross. At least I had earplugs; Papa wasn’t so lucky.

The ride starts off FAST. It goes from 0-60 in 2.8…and they capture that moment, for some reason…?

Everyone looks terrible. I don’t get it…my lips are almost peeling back.

This ride maybe wasn’t such a good idea…it was just “Sweet Emotion” playing at ridiculous decibels beside my ear and loops in the dark, next to glow-in-the-dark street signs. Excuse me while I go puke over here.



Mission = complete. Disney is in the bag and I have two more days left here in Florida. Tomorrow we are going to SeaWorld for some non-Disney-related activity respite. Papa is pondering protesting for the release of shamu…maybe he will even make a sign. HA HA HA HA HA