The Mummification (Day 3)

>> Friday, October 5, 2007

*(Ed. Note: Just a word of caution to those who may react adversely to mummified body parts – this blog has two. They aren’t that gross, I promise.)

Glorious harmony! We slept the whole night (probably thanks to the warm alcohol in our bellies) and woke up in time for the free full Scottish breakfast. In regards to the latter, it would probably have been better if we didn’t considering the hurricane it caused in our tummies. Ah, what sensitive gastronomic linings we have. After the storm settled, we were ready to hit the road and start our next walking tour towards the eastern end of Glasgow.








The above picture is of the University of Glasgow. This campus looked pretty freaking awesome and we pretended (to no avail) to act as if we were students (as I held my guidebook all the while.)




After wandering in amongst the students around the Uni, we headed to Byres Road and considered invading their public library and demanding internet access. Sounds good, but didn’t happen because we are actually two, quite subdued individuals.


The last stop on that particular walking tour was in this Botanic Gardens which looked excessively large on the map at the entrance, but in reality, was small as they actually drew every single tree and bush on the map. Cute.

The conservatory was actually my first encounter with carnivorous plants. I was slightly worried they were going to devour my finger or camera, so I kept my distance accordingly.



My personal Venus Flytrap imitation. I think it’s pretty accurate.



We wandered down through some paths and found a dog whose name was Seamus. We were so excited because the hot guy from Charlie’s Angels 2 was named Seamus. :D




After our walk, we headed back down near the Uni and found an internet café which we patronized – we were hoping to score some CHEAP flights to Belfast, Paris, Munich, or even Krakow just for a day. The flights were there…and cheap too, but the schedules were so hideously inconvenient and we only had a small window to do it that we decided it best to leave that adventure for another time.

After more walking, we realized we were starving and headed into this really old church’s crypt, which some nice old people had converted to a café for University students. I had a delicious pizza bun with a salad and Jean had soup.


Being done our tour before lunch, we now were aimless. I reached into my bag and yanked out “Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum presents KYLIE: The Exhibition” and off we went. Jean didn’t really know anything about Kylie Minogue, so this was the perfect opportunity to explore all things Kylie. And…it was free. Nothing to do + free = we are there. Ya know? So we strolled and gazed and repeated those two things.




And soon enough,



We’ve Arrived! Amazing that we don’t get lost very often.

Turns out that the museum was pretty freaking awesome overall. And, considering it was free, it couldn’t have been more worth the money. Unfortunately for you (mostly me), the Kylie exhibit didn’t allow pictures. The exhibit was mostly flashing lights, loud music videos, pictures from different Kylie eras, and 45 of Kylie’s actual outfits from her videos, performances, tours and television. I was most excited to see the white hooded jumpsuit (if you can call it that) from the ‘Can’t Get You Out of My Head’ video. There were also gold lamé hotpants.

After Kylie, we explored the rest of the museum…






The above head is a real, decapitated, mummified head. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken a picture of it. After all, what purpose does this picture serve?

I concur that this picture may not have needed to be taken either…but here it is, a real, severed, mummified hand. Kind of ew.

This was an activity where you are supposed to wrap the mummy as best as you can – as you can see, Jean (top) and Erin (bottom) suck at wrapping mummies.


Sarcophagus of Pa-Ba-Sa

All due respect, but I wouldn’t want to be around when that is unwrapped.


Artists’ paintings included Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso, Van Gogh, Titian, and my personal favorite, Salvador Dali.


After successfully trodding home, feet (somewhat) intact, we decided that the only thing that could make the day better was cake. Lots of cake. We grilled the old gal at the counter about where would be a good cakey place and she was about as useful as sack of bunions. She did, however mention that Marks & Spencer (a department store) has a food hall. Down Sauchiehall we walked again, and headed up into Marks & Spencer and sure enough…they had almost an entire isle dedicated to the sweet bliss that is sugary cakes and cookies. Realizing that our hostel has a “No food” policy, we decided smuggling was our best/only option.


Yes, that is correct. You see not one, but two cakes, nestled inside Jean’s purse. Hee hee!


We settled in for a long night of cake(s), apple pie(s), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Tomorrow morning we leave for Edinburgh at the hideous hour of 5 AM. The day is not to be spent there…oh no. We head into the highlands of Scotland and drag Hamish, a highland cow, plenty of sandwiches, and Nessie along for the ride. Gyaboooooooooooo