It's My Party, I Can Cry If I Want To!

>> Saturday, December 20, 2008

A day arrived. Yes, a day that I kind of had mixed (mostly bad) feelings about for the year and, well, I’m sure you can guess what day that was. I fear I am becoming like those ladies who don’t disclose their age because they want others to (pretend to) believe they are forever 25. Eh…since I’m still fairly close, I’ll play that game for this year, at least. I also lugged my camera around with me for the day so that I can finally remember what it is I do on my birthday every year.

It was a Friday and I had to go to work. Boourns. Marty wished me a Happy Birthday and was off before I had fully lugged myself out of bed but left me with a thoughtful surprise when I hopped into my car to go to work.


Another surprise awaited me when I arrived at my desk, from the best B friend I’ve ever known.

Heart you friend! I ate it for breakfast.

Since we had birthday cake the day before my day, the remnants looked less than appealing this morning…


There were also several other remnants from the night before that were equally, if not more, unappealing…

M34 hoo hoo. This snow business got really irritating.

The only reason I decided to deign my workplace with my presence on this day of all days, was the fact that afternoon was a free-for-all, as long as you showed up. Our Christmas party got into full-swing at lunchtime with delicious goods to be devoured.

The ladies, eyeing up the goods.

Deanna’s delicious creation…Sara’s hand.




Yimi-chan and I chatted about this and that and stuff.


We were done around three-ish and then I headed home. When I arrived there, I was greeted with popcorn thrown in the air (and onto my clean entrance floor…oh the horror!), the “Happy Birthday” song by NEWS cranked on Janelle’s iPhone, and a dance performed by my two wonderfully goofy sisters. Can’t you feel the love? I could when they did the “heart motion” part of the dance. They had been busily working away in my kitchen for the afternoon to cook up a dessert for dinner that night, but I wasn’t allowed to see it yet, so I troddled into the living room to open up some gifts. My first presents of the year (FINALLY)!


I even made myself a birthday wrist corsage from all the floofy decorations. See?



This is my birthday tree which happens to have some Christmas presents underneath it since, you know, people often forget about Christmas because my birthday is such a huge event.

For the big dinner, I put my Mother to work since its not every day I can eat her gourmet cooking.

Here we have (clockwise from L-R): mushroom chicken, bacon and potato chowder, taco salad, some rice stuff Mildred made, and sushi.

I was indeed surrounded by lovely people on my day. Here they are (sorry B, I didn’t get a picture of you but I love you and was glad you were there too!):

My huzb and Sis (who is working her sleeve with a Tide-to-Go pen).

The Mildred, Father, and Mother. Ehehehehe.

After we swallowed a bunch of food, the birthday cake surprise was revealed!

UWAAAA! Yabai! It’s a cake with a face! I initially thought the face was a picture of the Joker from the Batman movie, but I was wrong.

Ha ha ha ha! Apparently it is Ryo from my favourite Japanese boy band, NEWS. Remember him? You can see their grinning faces in this picture…how cute. Yeah…I don’t really see it, do you?

Yeah…nothing. But I love it nonetheless. I ate his face. Good carrot cake B (and Sis!)

After dinner followed more presents and cards and the like and everything was wonderful. Happy Birsuday to meeee! (Thank you Djds, Maya, Yimi-chan, Sisses!)


Father, fully-engrossed in the activities of the night.

I got my DS y’alls! WOOT.

Oooh, pretty. What’s inside?

My crazy pills and a new DS game! WOOT again.

The next event my crew of Sisses planned was karaoke (which I’m not sure was for more of my enjoyment or theirs), but it was fantastic fun! We got crazy (with no almonds even involved. Wacky, I know.)


Of course, since it was my birsuday, the NEWS “Happy Birthday” song needed to be sung…I had only heard the tune around 45 times that day already, so what’s another?! Yippee!


After that, everything got kind of hazy…


Oh yeah that! Good times.

With our voices all croaky, we decided replenishment in the form of calories was in order, so we headed to Boston Pizza and ordered…eh, more dessert. What. My birsuday only comes once!


Thank you to all that made my birsuday wonderful with either your cards, calls, or presence (and presents!). Watashi no Happy Birsuday…arigatou!