(Day 29) Rib it Forever

>> Sunday, October 26, 2008

I guess all good things come to an end. This month I’ve spent in Japan has been better than I could have ever hoped for, but I know I have a husband waiting for me at home…I’m also out of money, so I have to go back and make more so I can keep on living – vitally important. I feel very sad though, to leave the vacation that has given me so many fantastic memories.

My host mother prepared an sprawling Japanese brunch that would keep me satiated during my long journey back to Narita Aiport.

The brown stuff in the bowl on the far right is tiny little fishes. They had eyes and tasted very…fishy.

Maya had to leave for a soccer game before noon, so I thanked her for everything and said goodbye. I hate goodbyes. Her parents were going to bring me to the train station, but first, a picture of my lovely host parents.

Oh yeah, and Chobi-chan!

Gathering the last of my bags, I took one last look out the window of my bedroom before leaving it all behind.


We arrived at the station in Urawa where Maya’s father waited in the car with Chobi while her Mother assisted me with my bags up onto the train platform. She insisted on waiting until the train arrived and helped me with my bags again when it did. As the door closed with me and my bags safely stowed, she waved and smiled and I did the same, but I felt incredible sadness. The time I stayed at their house left a deep impression on me…I’m not sure I can explain it. I miss Maya (of course), but also her mother, very dearly! I will hopefully see them again sometime soon. To the Suzukis, ほんとに感謝しました. ありがとうございました. 嬉しでした.

I hobbled through Tokyo station with a month’s worth of purchases on my back, retrieved my ticket for the Narita Express train and boarded without any further ado. As it sped east, away from the metropolis, I felt the now-normalcy of Tokyo slipping away…




Before I knew it, almost two hours had passed and I was wheeling my stuff back through the halls of the Narita Airport, exactly where I had passed only on month earlier.


As I waited to check in, I stared at the fat white guys who were trying to bring back lots of anime porn in their suitcases, alongside their quadruple XL hoodies. Gross. You just know they were hanging out in Akihabara for the duration of their stay.

More delicious homemade onigiri, courtesy of my wonderful host mother. She also made the very excellent Sailor Moon bag! So talented. I stared out the window and gingerly took small bites as to savour this last piece of my Urawa home.

Compared to my last departure out of Narita, I didn’t have nearly as much time to kill, so I briefly looked through the souvenir shops, bought a few small items, and then made my way upstairs to the Lawson’s for one last snack before leaving Japan. Bringing my treats out to the observation deck, I recognized it as the backdrop for many scenes from my favourite Japanese TV shows and movies.




This was it…I got on the plane and left Japan…for now. But I will be back again. Sayonara, Nippon.
