Psh. - Exactly. And really...why wouldn't you.

>> Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ahoy mateys!! So I haven't posted since Monday, and I had such a HUGE response (not) that I thought I should post again today. Yesterday and today were sort of pissy blur (I got dumped on at work), but I had some good moments, captured by yours truly for posterity. As you know, I usually sit on the computer for at least 10.15352452 hours per day. into my comp..:

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Major rainy yesterday. It was crazy. I went for a walk at lunch, all nice out and hot. Like five minutes after I got in, dark shizz appeared in the west (thanks west-y people):

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Got bored so I started altering my buddy Mike's nameplate:

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It got rainy for a was still raining when I went for my hair appointment after work:

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This tower looked cool on my drive...people don't like to see me trying to drive with a massive camera in my hands:


How russian!

On the way there I saw one of the most rusty trucks of my life:

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And took a picture of Marty's favorite restaurant (puke):

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So I went to my salon, and I love my stylist..she's the best. Unfortunately, getting my hair done is a serious pain in the ass as I am now allergic to the bleach and get insanely crazy itchy and am in complete agony for about an hour. I'm considering dyeing my hair brown. Lemme know what ya'll's the 'do for now:

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Fast forward to today. I was going to go for a bikeride this AM, but it was raining pretty bad-ass so I had to go home. BUT, I went this evening instead, and it was rather lovely. Brett and I hit up a trail and I sucked pretty badly. But at least I got some decent pictures on my ride home:

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Kick ass! It was nice...and muddy. I had fun and got all haggard:
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Love it. I'm so (not) hardcore. I can tell you this though...I love this camera and I'm not sure how I'll get by without it. See you BC'ers in a few more hours....