
>> Friday, May 26, 2006

Ah so! The aftermath has been assessed:

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It actually doesn't look that bad...but I had cleaned most stuff out that point. I was the biggest crabby-pants after I arrived in MB (sorry Marty) and apparently being back at work has somewhat rubbed salt in the gaping wound...but enough about that! It's the weekend!

Since arriving back at my desk, I had a letter from my good buddy Queechon Jackson.
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Mike, you are most creative dood I know. Man up.

Since riding the rails of crazy-ass nights and food-filled days, my life has slowed to tricycle pace. Today was my first social activity day...yay teacher!

After work, I hunkered down to the King's Head Pub with fellow workies and my former (and favorite) boss, Horatio Pow-Pow.

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Neat-o joint with some brews.

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Man, beer is grossy. How many people are going to throw stuff at me for that comment? My guess is about 6, give or take a few.

Just chilled for a while, enjoying some diverse conversation, such as sweaty boobs, porn websites, and strip clubs. Okay, wow. That is not diverse conversation at all. That is what is bad when you are the only female.

Introducing the players in this game:

Horatio Pow-Pow:
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And the regular crew:

Michaelangelo (lookin' pretty spiff ladies - and oh-so-professional):
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B (aka 1552) making an almost kissy-face:
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AND, of course, the lovely moi:

We were hollering like the true drunken fools we was great. The bartender kept kicking everyone off of the floor as it was a private event, but let us stay as we were the best-looking. I cannot blame him. Really.

Winnipeg was it's usual self on the trek back...

Clear skies and beautiful greenery...
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...and bums peeing behind dumpsters...
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He was totally peeing! Awkward. There was a little crowd watching him, but I will fully admit there is none as sick as I, taking pictures. Yipes.

So....what's up with you guys? I don't know what I am yet doing today, or this weekend for that matter, but hopefully something cool with cool photo ops. Probably bike riding. Kick-ass yo's. Make sure you have awesome ones yourselves...tear!

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