(Day 10) The Mondays

>> Monday, December 27, 2010

Hiya! This is how perky I am after a 5 AM bedtime, waking up (chotto hungover?) to checkout of our hotel by 10 AM, loading up our heavy sacks, hiking 15 minutes westward, and dropping them in a freshly-cleaned smoking room. Ohayou gozaimasu yourself.

I never did show you our little hole/hotel room as a whole, did I? Well, the one-dimensional shots was pretty much it. It was TINY. Our new abode across town was much spacious-ier.

WMT, we’re back!

So, by 11 AM, we were (kind of) awake, so we decided to head out and try and have some fun. Because of the drinking (again), food was the first order of the day. What’s good? Hey…I know of a place. It’s called Rat-Face Café.

Incognito. And some rude guy to the right.


Since we were now in Harajuku anyway, we decided to do what we do best on days like today – BUM AROUND.



Did you notice? This trip has been without a significant pile of crepe wrappers falling at my feet. Let’s begin to remedy that. What’s that? I just ate at a buffet at Rat-Face? I know, but c’mon. I gotta jam it down. I’m not going to be in Tokyo forever.





Skating just wasn’t as interesting today. The Christmas/funny crowd had retreated to ground with greater traction and the numbers dwindled. Boo. Oh yeah… I also bought a pair of Comme des Garçons shoes. Yay! The guy who sold them to me looked totally homeless-chic and was very nice…until he handed me my bag over the counter. Je’m’excuse? I’m sorry, but when I drop that level of coinage, I expect a full walk to the door, then outside before handing me my bag and bowing profusely as I turn my back and walk away. And if I happen to turn back, you’d better still be bowing. Sheesh. The manners really need some work these days.


Dinner was on the cheap today at Akasaka’s local CoCo Ichi. Yummo!


And then…we napped. Seriously – we slept from like, 6:30 until around 9:30 and then dragged ourselves out of bed to prepare for another night of clubbing. Laugh with me.


Consecutive day two of partying was more eventful AND relaxing (?) than the first. Some guys outside of the club were reeeeally happy when we arrived and the one guy kept saying to me, “You are f***ing hot. You are f***ing hot. You look like my next girlfriend.” Ahhh HA HA HA HA HA. No word of a lie. We were graciously invited to partake in libations with T-Shacho who kept us in bevvies all night long. Some actor guy who shall not be named (unless you ask me in person – but there’s a 99 percent chance you don’t know the guy anyway) came in and was like, duh-RUNK! out of his mind. He was at our table because I guess he knew the Shacho, and was falling all over us as he was climbing over the benches and doing tequila shots and whatever. And the he kept trying to make out with all the guys at the table and surrounding areas – much to their chagrin. Geeze. And then we met some soccer guy who totally snubbed us on another night. What a j-hole. What? No need to sugar-coat this. Anyway, I love this place. It’s such a riot…you never know what will happen.

Tomorrow we’ll be back again for round 3. Ding ding ding!