(Day 4) Cut the Formalities

>> Monday, October 5, 2009

"Sunny days...sweeping the clouds away...on my way to where the air is sweet...can you tell me how to get how to get to Sesame Street?"

Okay, so Sesame Street is really far removed from my days while on board here in Mediterranean, but the sight out my window got me singing about the beautiful sunny day ahead.


I headed up to the gym bright and early and got my sweat on while Marty slept. Our first activity of this day at sea was to meet in the Encore Theatre for our destination briefing on our next three ports at 11AM. I was running a bit late and had Marty smuggle some foods from the Lido deck down to me for jamming into my piehole while rushing off to meet up with Grant and Rachel.

After the being briefed, we headed to the Lido for lunch.

Today’s theme was ‘Cajun’…but I was a bit bummed at the lack of actual Cajun spices.

The Lido during the busy lunching period.

The afternoon was getting hot with nary a cloud in the sky…some wicked wind was present though, thanks to our cruising speed of 20 knots.


The afternoon was ours for the taking. Most of the ship dwellers took to the exterior decks and sunned their often hairy and bulky bodies for the duration. (I only say this as the ship was largely full of Americans…from the South.)

(Click to enlarge!)


I kept myself fully clothed and grabbed my book “Escape from Amsterdam” (which I read to and from Amsterdam, btw…) and became a wanderer, moving from lounger to lounger to keep things interesting when the book wasn’t delivering. Yeah, not so exciting, but what do you expect? I’ve got to get in the R&R while I can.

Today was formal night on the ship which basically translates into the geri’s getting all dolled-up in their sequin-suited best and taking the whole event far too seriously. We headed into the formal dining room again tonight in our own fancy gear to our home table, beside the rich Japanese folks who only deign to sit on a chair if there is a plastic bag between them and the chair. But that’s another story entirely.


My, what a fetching glittery jacket that lady is wearing! So jealous over here.

I started my meal with a delicious strawberry bisque.



After breaking out the wine, Rachel thought it fit to tell us that she would be abstaining…for the next nine months. WHAT?! Congrats to Grant and Rachel! An announcement like that can only be followed up with copious amounts of sweets and fun. Let’s start with the sweets.


Nighttime is when the ship really comes alive, in my opinion. You remember the movie Poseidon? No? Yeah, it was terrible, so if you don’t, I understand. But for those of you that did, remember the party ship out in the darkness? That is us! Minus the whole sinking thing. Anyway! After dinner is when the big shows start in the theatre. Tonight’s event was the musical “Get Ready” so everyone makes their way over, in their glittering evening wear to score a good seat. Since we eat and move faster than geris, we usually got a primo seat in the balcony.



Before the show, we had an introduction from a surprise guest – our captain Carlo Queirolo! I liked to repeat his name over and over again with a faux Italian accent.


The show was likely pretty good, but I slept through a large part of it…he he he…that’s the jetlag for ya.

After the show, we headed over to the karaoke lounge where I tried my best to croon No Doubt’s “Don’t Speak”, but the built-in harmonies for the track were horrendously off-key. So, fail.
Then we moved over to the Burgundy Lounge for the hilarious comedians and proceeded to laugh our heads off for the next two hours.


This place was packed.

One of the comedians, Will Marfori, was born with cerebral palsy, and based a lot of his material on that. Kind of awkward at first, but it got funnier…then awkward again. The other guy, Al Ernst, was funny as hell. Gosh. I’m still laughing.

Another day, another towel animal. Our cabin stewards never sleep.


Well, that’s it for today. A day of rest for both the body and my fingers which are now blogging this. Tomorrow is my time in paradise. You cannot miss the views of Dubrovnik, Croatia…you would be doing yourself a major disservice.
