(Day 8) The Electric Slide

>> Friday, October 9, 2009

After three wild days of whirlwind sightseeing, today’s sea day was welcomed with open arms. The hours spent at sea just slip away as I eat, sleep, laze, and read the day away. My parents are thinking of trying out cruising and I’d say that I highly recommend it – if you can handle all the geris, the sights, the constant go-go, and of course, the food. Praas!

Do you want to see the long hallway of our stateroom floor? Keep in mind this is about half of it only…


The day was lazy…so lazy in fact, that I can’t even remember doing anything of note at all. Maybe that’s how it should be. We ended up eating dinner up on the Lido deck since heading to the formal dining room would involve changing clothes.




I’ve tried to be undercover here on board so that my celebrity doesn’t hinder my husband or our traveling partners, but they must have discovered I was on board so they commissioned a sign in my honour.

No big deal.

Our newest cabin mate:


So that’s it? Well, not quite. Tonight the ship was holding their much-ballyhooed competition between the odd- and even-numbered cabins. Do I care? Not in the least, but me, Marty and Grant decided we’d go watch the geri-tastic showdown.


The nightclub is where they learned the dance to one of the strangest songs I’ve ever heard:

Can I get a WHAT THE HELL.


After learning some of the most ridiculous crap ever, the big showdown was held on deck beside the main pool…followed by a rendition of the Electric Slide. Where do these people learn this stuff? Must be an American thing.





I also found a lady who had possibly THE MOST out-of-control hair I’ve ever seen…and not on purpose.


The dancing was followed by yet another crap-tastic laser show and Mexican buffet…we are desperately trying to keep the party going here. That is, of course, a party for the geris.



Which brings our night to a close. Wasn’t must there, was there? At least we can say it my day (writing) and yours (reading) a tad lighter. Tomorrow is the beautiful and tropical Sicily – the southern island of Italy. So, until then, what better way to say goodnight than to a small army of towel creatures?




Jen January 20, 2010 at 6:42 PM  

Uhhh... that song.... whoa.
Hey I know I told you I would comment on every post but that has not been successful. Mostly because I sneak glimpses at your blog throughout my workday and can't log in to comment. Just know I've been reading faithfully. Yay Venice!

Erin January 22, 2010 at 1:15 PM  

Awesome Djds! Thanks for reading.
And yeah...that song is terrible.
Please keep reading!