(Day 15) I like hamburger ❤

>> Sunday, September 19, 2010

And away we go again… We needed to be out of our place by 10 AM so we just loaded up and headed down to Akasaka Sacas and dumped everything on the plaza out front. There was some security guards who eyed us iffily, but this is Japan, riiiite? So they didn’t say or do anything. I mean, all they would have tried is making an “X” with their arms.


Danggggg it was hot out today. Not the day to be traveling with heavy luggage, that’s fo’ sho’. Sheesh. Once our spot ‘Grigio’ opened, we headed onto the patio with all our crap and sat at our table for lunch. We sat there for ages and reflected on the events that had transpired over these last two weeks and became particularly sad to leave B behind. It wasn’t long before our ride to the airport beckoned and we said those very goodbyes we’d been dreading for some time. Janelle, loaded down with bags upon bags, boarded the train heading one direction and us heading another. Soooo symbolic. Or something. Anyway, we headed on towards the airport and secretly looked forward to the cooler temps that awaited on the other side of the Pacific.



After our last convenience store dinner, we managed to score some primo seats on the airplane…no big deal!


After 9 long hours, we arrived back safely on home soil. Yay Canada! The air was unbelievable…I was almost cold.

And so, I’d like to leave you with a bit of sage advice for the world-weary traveler, courtesy of the best t-shirt I’ve personally ever seen (which Sis happened to buy on our now-distant Tokyo adventure)…


Appearances are deceptive.
I like hamburger ❤


Unknown November 30, 2010 at 3:31 PM  

best t-shirt ever! oh sistre, i miss japan and i miss you. waaahhhh!