(Day 3) Lazy Sunday

>> Sunday, July 24, 2011

After the raucous social the night before and arriving home at 2:00 AM, I slept until around mid-afternoon on Sunday. AHHHHHHH I do love sleeping, though I felt I had slightly wasted the day. However, fear not – I have more social obligations today to meet. We met up with my Mom’s family in the park for a picnic dinner while Matthew and I went over last night’s festivities. And I wore my massive Linda Farrow sunglasses to give the gathered Mennonites old folks something to stare at.

The view from the farm. I love it!!


Someone looks a lil sleepy…

Who’s this guy…?

OH. Jake Janzen. From where? Oh, Altona. Now I see.

I capped my Sunday off with a visit to my Grandparents on my Dad’s side. We visited their apartment and I gotta say, the visit was kind of hilarious. My Grandpa just kind of sat there and told my Dad he didn’t know who I was, and my Grandma told stories about this guy who shot himself in the head and his face flew straight off. She kept making this “face fly off” action with her hands. Then she’d lean back in her chair and because she’s so short, she’d end up lying almost flat but she’d still be chatting.


Then we talked about how cute Janelle was as a kid when I saw this photo still being prominently displayed...
LIttle B

So there you have it. Lazy Sunday, wake up in the late afternoon, call Parnell just to see how he’s doin’. Tomorrow will be so much more exciting…I’m going to Winkler and Morden! AMAZING.


Elizabeth September 12, 2011 at 10:58 AM  

You make me laugh at your great story telling.