Arrivals and Departures

>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wayyy back in October, when we were sailing in the Mediterranean, Rachel and Grant told us they were having a baby. Quelle surprise! Fast forward to early May, and she’s still preggo – but we’re getting closer. So close, in fact, that a baby shower was in order. I picked out a ridiculously expensive furry towel at the baby store from hell (thanks West Coast Kids) as Rachel is a bit of a high roller. It’s no thang. Top that up with a pair of baby nail scissors and a pack of wipes that are the BABY’S CHOICE, and you have a gift from yours truly. I spared no effort in creating a masterpiece of a gift.




Jen and I collaborated on getting her ass out here for Rachel’s shower (since they are cousins and all) and so she hijacked my camera when she arrived to take some vanity shots.

Wow, I look really confused in the background there. Geeze Gieze.

The shower was in Chilliwack, so we rounded up the Mum-to-be and I shuttled us all out to the nether-regions of some sub-development.



Too dark or too light. Nice, Erin. Nice.

There were many chicas there; some I knew, some I didn’t. But many presents were given and Rachel (or baby, as it were), cleaned up.





See that towel with the brown dots? That’s my gift. No big deal.

The food was super-tasty. I love shower food. There’s always so much to taste, and hardly any of the ladies eat because they are all skinny, so there is more for those like me. Ugh. So full.



After wrestling with the other-worldly balloons and squishing them into my trunk, it was over. Though we sit and await the arrival of Grant Jr. (ha ha – jk jk), I also must say goodbye to someone else – my dear little cousin Matthew.

Matthew moved out here last summer but has now decided that he’s going to go back to school in good ol’ MB. I swear he’s following my life’s path very closely! Well, except for many significant variances. But that’s a tale for the grandkids. To wish him well, we did what we always do – go to ABC restaurant for dessert.



Um…this was a Strawberry-Rhubarb crumble.

And with that, he left one morning. Oh Matthew, though you have left us, your memory lives on. (I realize this sounds like he’s died, but he’s still alive – last time I checked.) Now, there is no one left who encourages us to “praas” and fill our “pannse” like you. Sniff sniff.



Anonymous June 4, 2010 at 9:09 PM  

mattew is such a dork.
