(Day 3) Seven Circles

>> Monday, May 10, 2010

I was in my own sweet world for most of the day, but don’t tell anyone. I didn’t have any sessions until 3:00 PM, so I slept late and when I finally got around to moving outside of my room, it was only to head down a couple of floors to the spa. Tough life. I took advantage of their eucalyptus steam room and hot tub before my hour-and-a-half massage. It was heavenly and everything smelled like cucumbers.

The session today was about going paperless, a topic I am hot and heavy about. What I’m even more hot and heavy about though, is shopping at Holt Renfrew and considering I hadn’t been there in two days, after the session I moseyed on over.


Looks like a lot, right? Well, really it was only a pair of flats and the smaller one contained some makeup samples. And plus I returned the flats later. But then I bought more expensive ones. Whatever – stop judging.

So tonight was the big banquet for the conference attendees. We are all like one big, happy family now, just laughing and skipping together and showing each other pictures of our families. Everything was going well until the horrendous country band starting playing and I found out who my real friends were. But first, the feast.




This was the soup. Um….well, they added some liquid stuff later, but I was tres confused when the server placed it in front of me.

This dessert was smaller than a hockey puck but richer than the Queen. I bogged and stared and wrestled with it mentally, but I just couldn’t win. Eventually I just grabbed a giant spoon and smeared it across my plate.


The picture above seems harmless enough, doesn’t it? I was in pain though. I just can’t over how geris love to dance to country music. It’s not the geris dancing that’s the worst, it’s the music. I just don’t even have words for the agony I wish I could have brought you through this blog so that you could share in it. I should have taken a video, but all I had was my phone. A hoo hoo hoo. I guess if you are a geri reading this, you won’t understand. But the rest of you get it, right? Right…? Um, I love everyone! Moving along…

Well, that’s pretty much it for today though. Tomorrow I get out a bit more, but I won’t promise anything of particular note. Except more dirty cowboy paraphernalia. But that’s inescapable here in Cow Town.

In the spirit of last years’ incessant shots of Parliament, here’s another skyline view from my window. Until tomorrow…



Anonymous June 15, 2010 at 12:59 PM  

Still waiting for some pictures of dirty cowboys.
- JG (not signing in because at work)