(Day 4) Bad Carpet

>> Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I went to the plenary session at 9:00 AM, but in the end I was upset that I even wasted one calorie of effort to go to it. I planned to walk out on several occasions, but in the end I was too nice to actually mobilize my desires. You may be wondering what was so terrible about it, but it was mostly just the fact that the speaker was trying to be funny, and while everyone laughed, I just got more agitated. Maybe I have a bad attitude, but maybe he just sucked that badly. Oi! But the day wasn’t all a wash though it started on this bad (smelly and gangrenous) foot – after that session I head back (yes, again) to Holt Renfrew as I had an appointment with the Chanel makeup artist. One heavily made-up face later, I was back on the road, this time to visit the company that ate my former employer and sent everyone running for the hills: Viterra.

They re-created Winnipeg in Calgary. Almost.

The reason I was here was to visit the man of any hour, Brent Malloske. He stormed (walked) into the lobby in a power suit (not really) with a bunch of hoity business men (true). I was immediately jealous. Not because of all the men, but because I want to be hoity! I’m gonna get working on that. But first, Brent let me sit in his chair in his office and pretend I was hoity.

The view from his hoity office, though there was cheap-looking carpet and doors in there. I’m an office snob.

We headed down to the concourse for some grub and I was doing my best to blend in with all the yuppies.

Srs bsns.



After the tasty bowl of pho, we headed outdoors for a walk to escape the all the dirty cowboys lingering inside. Considering the fact that we used to do this often in Winnipeg, it almost brought a tear to my eye. Almost.

It was in this little park that we saw some people running barefoot! Yikes!


On my walk back to the hotel, I did see these odd signs of a dirty cowboy climbing some stairs:

I kind of like it.

A picture of my latest home.

After a session on succession planning and a snoozer on how to make your research matter (at least for someone like me), I met up with the folks from the research department and we wandered up and down Stephen Ave in search of sustenance. We needed to find something in relatively short time because today is a Canuck playoff game. Eeeeee!


Such a fun place to take pictures.


No, this is not my beer – I hate beer. But I tried it! It was gross, of course.

Irish pubs dictate (to me, anyway) that you have to eat something Irish. So I went with Shepherd’s Pie. Pretty much anything with mashed potatoes is good by me.




As fate would have it, the Canucks lost, along with their chances at the Stanley Cup. I can’t be mad atcha Luo! Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

At around midnight, I decided to risk the potential bums with knives outside my hotel to take a picture of the Calgary tower at night. I didn’t get knifed, so it’s a happy ending for all.


Not really much to see, is there.

And thus concludes another day. Tomorrow is the last of the conferencing and the first of the big adventures with Sistre! We are going to Ban-f-f (pronounced “Ban-fa-fa” as per my dear old Papa-san) and plan to kidnap some horses and have guns a’blazing. Or something like that. Goodnight.



Jen June 18, 2010 at 5:40 PM  

Missing: before & after pictures of the Chanel makeup face. Also - dirty cowboys.